EPX MLK 2021 Day of Service Opportunities

Monday January 18th 2021 will have numerous in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr through community service. Let EPX help you find the day of service activity best for you: In-person activities: Mifflin Square Park Cleanup: 6th & Wolf Streets Time: 11am-1pm Masks are mandatory. Social distancing […]

Welcome to the 2021 Board

Welcome to our 2021 Executive Board: President – Samantha GrossVice President – Maureen BrownTreasurer – Chelsea ConwayRecording Secretary – Anna ReedCorresponding Secretary – Sequoia Medley Committee Chairs:Beautification – Bruce Benjamin and Bill GrubbEvents – Adam Baldwin and Cat BartoliZoning – Tom Lombardi At-Large: Darren FavaEllen KitaLeon MalloyAndrew SciollaDaria Silvestro